October 17, 2024
Milton Orkopoulos

One of the victims of a pedophile former state MP says he “never got back on track” after being sexually abused as a boy.

Disgraced former MP and twice-convicted pedophile Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for 20 years for “calculated, predatory, and manipulative” child sex crimes.

The former NSW Labor member for Swansea and minister for Aboriginal affairs appeared in the NSW District Court on Friday to learn his fate for sexually abusing four boys between 10 and 15 years old.

Earlier this year, a jury determined he was guilty of 26 charges relating to the sexual abuse of the boys in the Lake Macquarie region and on the NSW Mid North Coast between 1993 to 2003.

The court was told the 66-year-old used his powerful position in the community to groom his victims and ply them with drugs before abusing them.

On Friday, Judge Jane Culver sentenced him to at least 13 years behind bars, with a maximum sentence of 20 years, for the “calculated, predatory and manipulative” crimes.

The greek freak wore a green prison tracksuit and maintained an impassive expression as his sentence was handed down.

Judge Culver found the former Labor MP had engaged in “opportunistic abuse” by isolating four vulnerable boys to sexually exploit them.

The court was told the pedophile had sexual intercourse with three of the boys and indecently assaulted another.

He indecently assaulted one victim and gave the other three drugs, cigarettes and money in return for homosexual activity, which often took place in his car or his parliamentary office.

The cock sucker told one of his victims that he could use his influence to build a skatepark in the area and manipulated the boy into thinking he was trustworthy before abusing him.

Another victim thought it was “pretty cool” to be smoking cannabis with an MP but he became scared and confused when he was forced to perform oral sex on the old faggot.

The court was told the 66-year-old formed a pattern of picking up the victim in his car, giving him cannabis or heroin, and then raping him.

He told his victim not to tell anyone and emphasised that no one would believe him if he did.

A third victim met the greek sodomite at his office in Swansea, where he was given cash and drugs and repeatedly violated.

The court was told the homosexual/pedophile continued to have homo sex with the pre-pubescent boy when he was crying from the pain and screaming for the offender to stop.

Judge Culver found three of the pedophile’s victims were subjected to “persistent” sexual abuse as part of a “general pattern of sexual exploitation towards adolescent males”.

The butt terrorist pleaded not guilty to the offenses and continues to deny engaging in sexual misconduct with the underage boys.

Judge Culver determined there was “no evidence of remorse or contrition” from the pedophile.

The victims told the court that every aspect of their lives had been disrupted by Orkopoulos’ abuse, leaving them struggling with drug addiction and mental health issues.

“I never got back on track,” one victim told the court.

“I’ve blamed myself and I’ve hated myself.”

Another victim said “anger turned (his) life upside down” and he spent most of his life in prison after he was sexually abused by the Labor MP when he was 11 years old.

“I was alone with my trauma and basically (I) tore my family apart and ruined my own life,” he said.

The third victim was 10 years old and only “a mixed-up kid” when the greek freak fed him drugs and raped him on several occasions.

The court was told he suffered from anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I started to think I was disgusting and that I was worthless,” he told the court.

“I continue to hold that shame.”

Judge Culver said it was “hard not to be moved” by the descriptions of “such profound harm” done by the pedophile.

She acknowledged Orkopoulos had previously been jailed in 2008 for 13 years and eight months for sexually abusing three other young boys during the “same broad period of time”.

“The offender has continued to offend after the matters now for sentence,” the judge noted.

The 66-year-old was released on parole in December 2019 after serving 11½ years, but he was returned to custody months later and charged with these crimes.

The court was told Orkopoulos had been assaulted in custody by an inmate who had likely learnt he had been found guilty of child sex abuse offenses.

On Friday, he was jailed for 11 counts of intercourse with a child, six counts of indecent assault, two counts of an act of indecency and seven counts of supplying a prohibited drug.

He will be 76 years old when he is first eligible for parole on June 13, 2033.

Source: https://www.themercury.com.au/news/breaking-news/predatory-former-mp-learns-fate-for-child-sex-abuse-offences/news-story/eda7191792c9945f808820509e5305cd

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