White terrorist from Maine, Robert Card was struggling with his mental health and claimed...
A white male was found guilty of Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse and other related...
A Florida sheriff’s deputy was reportedly arrested last week after investigators discovered that he’d...
A white male who grew up in an incestuous, polygamist, Mormon cult with 14 mothers and...
A 45-year-old man has been arrested and charged after admitting to possessing child pornography,...
The man accused of being Australia’s worst-ever pedophile has been rushed to hospital after...
A 50-year-old high school teacher in Florida was arrested for plying a juvenile teen with marijuana-infused chocolate and...
Ex-ABC News investigative journalist James Gordon Meek will serve six years in federal prison for possessing...
A 61-year-old is accused of sexually assaulting a relative and other juveniles in Franklin...