Corey Griffith was convicted of multiple sexual crimes including possession of child pornography and...
A former prodigy at the prestigious Bronx High School of Science who went on...
A white male who raped a young girl from the age of six until...
A white male arrested twice in the past year on child pornography charges is...
A Hollywood teacher was arrested Wednesday for having a sexual relationship with a student....
A 38-year-old Minnesota mother of two was arrested after she had sex with two...
A 63-year-old Bristol man has been charged with first-degree sexual assault after being accused of...
A Pennsylvania white male accused of decapitating his father at their home this week went to...
A youth baseball coach was arrested on January 13, 2024, after he was found...
An 18-year-old who sexually assaulted two teens and tried to assault another child was charged Monday,...