March 10, 2025
John Ohrt

A 58-year-old former high school choir teacher to star singer Pink was sentenced Monday to years in Pennsylvania state prison following his convictions for sexually assaulting two former male students and illicitly recording another who was undressing.

Joseph Glen Ohrt of Buckingham Township pleaded no contest last October to charges of indecent assault, corruption of minors, invasion of privacy, and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, according to the Bucks County District Attorney’s Office. Although a plea of no contest is not an admission of guilt, Ohrt’s plea meant that he accepted his convictions and eventual punishment for the charged offenses.

The case against the former choir director at Central Bucks West High School in Doylestown began in earnest in February 2022, when an affidavit of probable cause that the homosexual/pedophile placed a hidden camera in a bedroom at his residence and recorded a male former student in a state of undress.

“On one occasion, the video did capture images of A.A.’s genitals as he changed his clothing,” the affidavit said.

Authorities said that they learned about this video because “a young male residing with the defendant,” identified in documents as Race Taylor, reported Ohrt’s suspicious activities to police.

Taylor said that the defendant suddenly told him he had to move out in October 2021 and tried to get rid of evidence after a detective left a business card in the door of the home.

“On October 27, 2021, Taylor began loading his van with his belongings. As he was loading the van, the defendant was also giving Taylor various items and placing bags in the Taylor’s van. In addition to the bags and other items, the defendant handed Taylor a silver Acer laptop computer that Taylor knew was one of three computers the defendant had in the house,” the affidavit said. “The defendant told Taylor that he watched porn on the Acer computer, but that he had run the computer under water. The defendant asked Taylor to dispose of everything in a ‘nonpublic manner.”

Among the items the filthy homosexual wanted disposed were “three bags the contained smaller bags of stocking socks, thong and boxer style underwear, a catholic schoolgirl uniform costume, an Acer laptop computer, a Passport Ultra external hard drive, wall charging blocks, a clock, a broken casting or mold of a person’s upper torso, miscellaneous pieces of art, and other items that the defendant had loaded in Taylor’s van.”

Prosecutors said that the news of these allegations generated additional tips that led to the indecent assault charges against the pederast for groping male students of his in the 1990s:

Detectives interviewed one victim who said he was a sixth grader at Linden Elementary in 1991 when Ohrt, his choir teacher, indecently touched him. The encounter happened inside the music room at the school when the victim was 11 years old.

A second former choir student was interviewed and told detectives he was 13 years old in 1996 when Ohrt molested him.

The victim said he was babysitting at Ohrt’s home in Doylestown Township while Ohrt and his wife went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary and when the child molester returned, he indecently assaulted him in the basement of his home.

The latter indecent assault occurred the same year when Alecia Moore, better known as Pink, was one of Ohrt’s choir students.

On Monday, Ohrt was formally sentenced to 2.5 to 5 years in prison, but not before he was slammed by the victims and the judge in the case.

“You not only invaded my privacy, but you invaded my entire being,” said one victim, while another referred to Ohrt as “the lowest of lows,” the DA’s office said.

Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey L. Finley even remarked upon Ohrt’s apparent lack of remorse by saying “You don’t care about anybody but yourself,” according to prosecutors’ account of what was said in court.

After the prison sentence is up, Ohrt will be on probation for five years and must to register as a sex offender for 15 years. He was also ordered to receive sexual offender treatment and a mental health evaluation, prosecutors said.


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