October 18, 2024
Jamie Marshall

The mother of a baby boy abused by the white faggot Jamie Marshall said “you better hang yourself up in that jail” as he was caged for four years.

The 35-year-old admitted filming himself carrying out “vile” sex acts on an infant boy and sharing the depraved video footage with others via the “kik” social media platform.

Judge Tom O’Donnell, Limerick Circuit Criminal Court, lifted reporting restrictions to allow the identification of the defendant, Jamie Marshall, 35, a native of Limerick City.

The homosexual/pedophile, a well-known car thief and joyrider, who had 133 previous convictions, pleaded guilty to knowingly possessing child pornography, knowingly producing child pornography, knowingly distributing child pornography; defilement of a child; and using communication technology to facilitate the sexual exploitation of a child, on or before December 30, 2020.

Judge O’Donnell ordered that the specifics of this white devil’s home address, where his parents continue to reside, not be reported.

Sentencing him to six years with two suspended, the judge said he had to impose an immediate custodial sentence, and he described Marshall’s behavior as “appalling, vile, egregious, and despicable”.

The judge added: “It was depravity of the highest order with an infant child.”

After sentence was imposed, the boy’s mother approached the white monster, telling him: “You better hang yourself up in that jail. You are a dirty, ugly, smelly, horrible scumbag.”

The sodomite from hell made no reply. He signed a bond agreeing to keep the peace and not reoffend for a period of two years after his release.

The typical white beast had filmed himself abusing the boy and uploaded the sick material to the kik platform under the pseudonym “Honda22Civic”.

When the material was uploaded onto kik, it quickly alerted the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, who in turn tipped off Gardai, who in turn tracked down Marshall and identified the infant in mid January 2021.

The filthy cock sucker uploaded and shared 15 videos and two images on kik of sex acts involving children, including the infant boy, as well as images and videos of a number of underage girls that were shared with him by a third party whom Marshall did not identify.

Marshall was identified by Gardaí in the videos with the boy because of distinctive and unique tattoos on his forearms.

Speaking to reporters, the woman described the sentence as “an absolute joke”.

She said she hoped that the DPP would appeal.

She said: “I was hoping for at least ten years, because I am distraught by it.

“I just wish he (Marshall) dies. I’m not happy with the sentence at all, I want it closer to ten years.”

The woman said her son was now “thriving” with the support of his family circle.

Source: https://www.thesun.ie/news/12738877/man-filmed-himself-committing-vile-abuse-baby-boy-jailed/

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